C3 Webinar Series

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C3 Connecting Competency Communities Webinar Series

Register here for the C3 Webinar Series

The C3 Webinar Series aims to improve communications between those involved with creating, maintaining, discovering, distributing, and using competency data.   For this Network, "Competency" is broadly defined. Review the Open Competencies Network Competency Explainer to learn more.

Well-defined competencies are the cornerstone of what is taught in our schools, recruitment systems, and how learning objectives are defined to qualifications, credentials, job descriptions, and performance. The leaders of T3’s Open Competency Network and the Advancing Open Competencies workgroup are spearheading the C3 (Connecting Competency Communities) webinar series which provides an opportunity for educators, credentialing organizations, and employers to convene and learn how to align the competencies taught with those recognized in a credential with those needed for a job.

The C3 monthly webinar allows interested persons to learn from industry experts and futurists building the systems, processes, and technologies to ease the burden of creating, maintaining, discovering, distributing, and using competency definitions and frameworks. These webinars will:      

  • Provide a safe environment for exchanging ideas to improve communications between those involved with creating, maintaining, discovering, distributing, and using competency definitions and frameworks.    
  • Promote the benefits of well-defined competencies linked to courses, qualifications, credentials, assessments, job descriptions, and occupations.      
  • Promote the understanding that competency definitions and frameworks should be well-defined, machine-readable, and tagged as discoverable and tradeable.

Don't miss out! Register, attend, learn, and enjoy this exciting monthly webinar series from the T3 Innovation Network.

C3 Webinar Series Hosting and Leadership

The Advancing Open Competencies (AOC) Workgroup hosts the C3 Connecting Competency Communities Webinar Series.

The planning for and facilitating of the series is being led by Eric Shepherd, President, Foundation for Talent Transformation.

C3 Webinar Series Schedule and How to Learn More

The C3 webinar series is scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Occasional, temporary adjustments may be made. 

Webinars are held @ 9 am PT / 10 am MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET /  5 pm UTC / 5 pm UK on the dates listed below.

The best way to ensure you have the C3 Webinar Series on your calendar is to Register. Upcoming webinar information is provided and recordings are archived on this C3 Webinar Series wiki page. To receive emails that include information about the C3 Webinar Series along with updates from the Open Competency (OC) Network, please join the OC Network and/or the AOC Workgroup. If you're interested in contributing to technical advancement, join the Technical Advisory Group. To follow C3 Webinar Series information on social media, join the C3 LinkedIn Group.

Upcoming Webinar Topics

Register here for the C3 Webinar Series

2023 Webinar Dates
  • 18-January-2023: Capturing and sharing achieved competencies as data
  • 15-February-2023: Competency-based education and career pathways
  • 15-March-2023: Understanding competency data standards
  • 19-April-2023: Navigating Competency-based Assessments and Credentials
  • 17-May-2023: Managing Competency Definitions and Frameworks to Inform Curriculum and Certifications
  • 19-July-2023: Skill & Competency Currency: Employer Career Success Through Certifications and Degrees
  • 16-August-2023: Unlocking Effective Competency Alignment: A Webinar for Professionals Seeking Skill-Based Hiring and Resource Integration
  • 20- September-2023:
  • 18-October-2023;
  • 15-November-2023:

Upcoming Webinar Topics

Register here for the C3 Webinar Series

Connecting Competency Communities, 19-July-2023: Skill & Competency Currency: Employer and Career Success Through Certifications and Degrees

Join us for an enlightening webinar that explores how the fusion of certifications and degrees can unlock exceptional career pathways by harnessing the power of skills and competencies. Discover how these coveted credentials align with the demands of the talent marketplace, propelling individuals towards success.

Our panel of trailblazers will delve into the evolving landscape of certifications and degrees, shedding light on how skill and competency data have become the invaluable currency of the professional world. Gain invaluable insights from industry experts who are leading the charge in education and workforce development.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to discover how certifications and degrees, when paired with the right skills and competencies, can shape a bright and prosperous future. Register now to secure your spot at this transformative event!


  • Ken Sardoni , Senior Vice President of Learning Programs at CompTIA
  • Brent Capriotti, Senior Consultant, Operational Strategy at Western Governors University (LinkedIn)
Connecting Competency Communities, 16-August-2023: Unlocking Effective Competency Alignment: A Webinar for Professionals Seeking Skill-Based Hiring and Resource Integration

Join us for a dynamic webinar session that focuses on aligning competencies to skill-based hiring and resources. This webinar is designed to empower professionals and organizations from diverse fields, offering invaluable insights into enhancing the alignment between competencies acquired in educational programs and the skills required in today's workplace.  Our expert speakers will provide practical strategies and share their experiences on competency alignment, ensuring the webinar's relevance extends beyond nursing and midwifery domains.

Carolyn's session will guide you through the process of aligning competencies with available resources to optimize job performance. Discover innovative strategies for determining appropriate competencies, even in environments where resource availability varies. Gain insights into how competency alignment directly impacts hiring practices, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and build high-performing teams.

Joan's presentation will dive into the development of core competencies, serving as a bridge between educational programs and job requirements. Explore the motivations behind these competencies, their influence on curriculum design, and effective methods for learners to demonstrate expertise within their respective fields. Understand how organizations can leverage these competencies to enhance hiring decisions, ensuring candidates possess the essential skills for success.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain practical knowledge and strategies for aligning competencies with skill-based hiring and available resources. Join us for an engaging webinar and unlock the path to effective competency alignment. Reserve your spot now to secure your place among professionals seeking excellence in competency integration.


  • Carolyn Levy, Instructional Design Consultant, Co-founder and Principal at Blank Design and Project Management Inc. (LinkedIn)
  • Joan Stanley Chief Academic Officer at American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) (LinkedIn)

Archived Webinars

Following each C3 webinar, recordings are made available. A YouTube channel will also be used to share the recordings.

Connecting Competency Communities, 17-May-2023: Managing Competency Definitions and Frameworks to Inform Curriculum and Certifications

Join Liberty Munson from Microsoft and Pat Byrd from the Society of Resource Management (SHRM) as they share their expertise in designing and managing competency-based certification programs. This session will also include information on fraud prevention and how competency definitions and frameworks inform curriculum and exam design, and activities related to developing, delivering, and maintaining certification programs.f


  • Liberty Munson, Director of Psychometrics at Microsoft (LinkedIn)
  • Pat Byrd, Director of Certification Operations at SHRM (LinkedIn)

Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recording, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Related Resources:

Connecting Competency Communities, 19-April-2023: Navigating Competency-based Assessments and Credentials
  • Nathan Thompson, PhD, CEO at Assessment Systems will explain how competencies definitions relate to Job Task Analysis, Angoff method for setting passing or cut scores, NCCA/ANSI accreditations, and the distinctions between certification, accreditation, certificate, and licenses.
  • Bill West and Holly Zanville, Chief Credentialing Solutions Officer at Cornerstone Strategies, LLC, will focus on Credential as You go and cover designing, developing, implementing, and managing certification programs, assessment-based certificate programs, micro-credentials, certificate programs, badging strategies, accreditation strategies.


Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recording, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Related Resources: These resources were shared by presenters and participants:

Connecting Competency Communities, 15-March-2023: Understanding Competency Data Standards

Should I develop a new schema for my competency data or use a recognized standard? There are pros and cons to both approaches. In this C3 webinar, three leading data standards will be presented by experts.  Learn about how the competency data standards are structured, used, and how they are aligned.  After attending this webinar, you'll understand the benefits of these standards, the criteria to review and use them, and some options available. The data standards presentations and Q&A include:

  1. 1EdTech Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® (CASE®)
  2. Credential Engine's Credential Transparency Description Language - Achievement Standards Network (CTDL-ASN)
  3. IEEE Standards Association's P1484.20.3 – Standard Data Model for Sharable Competency Definitions


Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Related Resources: These resources were shared by presenters and participants:

Connecting Competency Communities, 15-February-2023: Competency-based Education and Career Pathways

Lisa Larson with Education Design Lab's Community College Growth Engine Fund shared how colleges are co-designing micro-pathways with learners and employers that are flexibly delivered to be achieved within less than a year and result in a job.

Lorraine McKay and Mark Coulter with Human Resource Systems Group revealed insights into how employers use competency frameworks to address real-world talent management challenges. This presentation will share best practices in quickly developing and deploying competencies for recruiting and career pathing.  


Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Related Resources: These resources were shared by presenters and participants:

Connecting Competency Communities, 18-January-2023: Capturing and Sharing Achieved Competencies as Data

This webinar focused on the importance and value of including competency descriptions with Learning and Employment Records.

  • LearnCard, the open source digital wallet from Learning Economy Foundation, is being used across a number of contexts to store and measure learning progress. We’ll explore how these implementations leverage skills data, and how anyone might deploy the LearnCard SDK to interoperate within an open skills ecosystem.
  • The North Dakota Digital Credentials team has a goal to remove all barriers, friction and costs associated with adopting digital verifiable credentials and issuing stackable micro-credentials to (L)Earners. We'll learn about the vital role competency data plays with connecting (L)Earners and employers.


Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Related Resources: These resources were shared by presenters and participants.

Connecting Competency Communities, 16-November-2022: Recommended Practices

This webinar focused on learnings from the process of publishing IEEE Recommended Practices for well-defined competencies with an emphasis on open competency data.


  • Dennis Green, Principal (Founder) at South Arm Training (LinkedIn)
  • Linda Steedman, Chairperson / Director at eCom Learning Solutions (LinkedIn)

Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides will be made available after the webinar.

Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Related Resources: These resources were shared by presenters and participants.

Connecting Competency Communities, 19-October-2022: Communities of Practice Webinar

The second webinar of the C3 series focused on the challenges and solutions for developing competency standards for health professions and a global skills and competency framework for the digital world.


  • Dr. Terence Ma, CEO and Consultant at PlaceNets Consulting (LinkedIn)
  • Ian Seward, General Manager at SFIA Foundation (LinkedIn)

Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides (PowerPoint and PDF).

Connecting Competency Communities, 22-September-2022: Kickoff Webinar

This is the first of the monthly C3 Webinar Series providing an introduction to the vision for the series along with an introduction to the T3 Innovation Network, Open Competency (OC) Network, and the Advancing Open Competency)(AOC) Network hosting this series.


  • Naomi Boyer, AOC Chair and Executive Director, Digital Transformation, at Education Design Lab (LinkedIn)
  • Eric Shepherd, C3 Webinar Series Lead, Board Member | Director | Leader | Transformation | Future of Work | Still Learning (LinkedIn)
  • Terence Ma, Open Competency Network Chair, Experienced medical educator and administrator. Thought leader. Anatomist. (LinkedIn)
  • Jeanne Kitchens, AOC Facilitator, Chief Technology Services Office at Credential Engine (LinkedIn)

Meeting Materials: Archived Webinar and Audio recordings, and PowerPoint Slides