C3 Webinar Series

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C3 Connecting Competency Communities Webinar Series

Register here for the C3 Webinar Series

The C3 Webinar Series aims to improve communications between those involved with creating, maintaining, discovering, distributing, and using competency data.   

Well-defined competencies are the cornerstone of what is taught in our schools, recruitment systems, and how learning objectives are defined to qualifications, credentials, job descriptions, and performance. The leaders of T3’s Open Competency Network and the Advancing Open Competencies workgroup are spearheading the C3 (Connecting Competency Communities) webinar series which provides an opportunity for educators, credentialing organizations, and employers to convene and learn how to align the competencies taught with those recognized in a credential with those needed for a job.

The C3 monthly webinar allows interested persons to learn from industry experts and futurists building the systems, processes, and technologies to ease the burden of creating, maintaining, discovering, distributing, and using competency definitions and frameworks. These webinars will:      

  • Provide a safe environment for exchanging ideas to improve communications between those involved with creating, maintaining, discovering, distributing, and using competency definitions and frameworks.    
  • Promote the benefits of well-defined competencies linked to courses, qualifications, credentials, assessments, job descriptions, and occupations.      
  • Promote the understanding that competency definitions and frameworks should be well-defined, machine-readable, and tagged as discoverable and tradeable.

Don't miss out! Register, attend, learn, and enjoy this exciting new monthly webinar series from the T3 Innovation Network.

C3 Webinar Series Hosting and Leadership

The Advancing Open Competencies Workgroup hosts the C3 Connecting Competency Communities Webinar Series.

The planning for and facilitating of the series is being led by Eric Shepherd, President, Foundation for Talent Transformation.

  • See the C3 Webinar Series Project Plan
  • See the T3 Hub page about the C3 Webinar Series.
  • If you're interested in presenting, email Eric eric.shepherd@talenttransformation.com and Jeanne Kitchens, AOC Facilitator jkitchens@credentialengine.org

C3 Webinar Series Schedule

The C3 webinar series is scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Occasional, temporary adjustments may be made. 

Webinars are held @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  5 pm UTC / 5 pm UK on the following dates:

Connecting Competence Communities, September 22, 2022 Kickoff Webinar
  • 21-September-2022: This is the first of the monthly C3 Webinar Series providing an introduction to the vision for the series along with an introduction to the T3 Innovation Network, Open Competency (OC) Network, and the Advancing Open Competency )(AOC) Network hosting this series. Speakers: Naomi Boyer, AOC Chair; AOC Eric Shepherd, C3 Lead, Terence Ma, OC Char, Jeanne Kitchens, AOC Facilitator
  • 19-October-2022
  • 16-November-2022
  • 18-January-2023
  • 15-February-2023
  • 15-March-2023
  • 19-April-2023
  • 17-May-2023
  • 21-June-2023
  • 19-July-2023
  • 16-August-2023
  • 20- September-2023
  • 18-October-2023
  • 15-November-2023