Admins' How-To Pages

From T3 Network Wiki
Revision as of 23:39, 13 April 2022 by Dmariesaunders (talk | contribs) (Added welcome and instructions for creating a user)
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Hello Wiki Admins!

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The way to create accounts and give them edit access:

1. From the main page go to "Special pages" on the bottom of the left hand menu.

2. Under "Login / Create account," hit Create account.

3. Create an account for someone. First, check the box "Use a temporary random password and send it to the specified email address" and the form will alter. I use people's email without the "" for their username. I leave the real name field blank as well as the Reason.

4. Go back to Special pages and select "User rights".

5. Enter that person's username (it will suggest after a few letters).

6. Check the box called editor and no other boxes. Save.

If you want to give access to an existing account, skip to step 4. You will need their username.