OCN: Technical Advisory Workgroup Meetings: Difference between revisions

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Adding agenda for Aug 10
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>> [[T3_Open_Competencies_Network|OC Network Home]] >> [[OCN: Technical Advisory Workgroup|TAW]] >> ''TAW Meetings''
The Open Competencies Network Technical Advisory Workgroup meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 noon ET for regular calls. The same time slot on the fourth Wednesday is reserved for calls related to a specific projects or work items, when needed.
This section of the OCFC TAW Wiki contains meeting agendas, links to materials, and follow up information.
See the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nrtpNX4FgdSXqKZjXg5eMso8McvFQ-XR/edit TAW Charter].

>> [[OCF_Collab_Network|OCFC Home]] >> ''TAW Meetings''

= Meetings =
:Going forward, this section of the OCFC TAW Wiki will be used for meeting agendas, links to materials, and follow up information.
::See the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MS19ncPfTuOiLShrlCo3okkyVmWsncfzm1-1Mu-j2gY/edit?usp=sharing Master Calendar] on Google docs for all planned OCFC calls.

== ''Standing Items'' ==
== ''Standing Items'' ==
:1. Please mark yourself as present in the '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lnb5qBzjcMfKkjHKlGWE6nxy4GDdeEUuq1mcP0uQeU/edit?usp=sharing Roster].''' To be eligible to vote a participant must have attended at least two of the last four meetings, not including the current meeting.   
:1. Please mark yourself as present in the '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lnb5qBzjcMfKkjHKlGWE6nxy4GDdeEUuq1mcP0uQeU/edit?usp=sharing Roster].''' To be eligible to vote a participant must have attended at least two of the last four meetings, not including the current meeting.   
:2. Ensure you are familiar with the current '''[https://assets.website-files.com/6051f804aa18bf60ca423e09/627adedb4c63cf7810268d12_T3%20Innovation%20Network%20Guidelines%20Updated%20March%202022.pdf T3 Network of Network Guidelines]''', in particular:<blockquote>'''§5.5 Network of Networks Legal and Intellectual Property''' - “In particular, by discussing, distributing, or otherwise disclosing any content, materials, or other information (collectively “Disclosed Content”) through participation with the T3 Network, participants represent and warrant that: (i) they own all rights in and to the Disclosed Content, or, if the Disclosed Content is subject to third-party intellectual property rights, the participant has all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to share the Disclosed Content; (ii) the participant is legally entitled to post the Disclosed Content, and (iii) the Disclosed Content does not violate any law.  <p> To the extent that any Disclosed Content is subject to any form of intellectual property or proprietary rights, by disclosure through participation with the T3 Network, the participant provides a license to the T3 Network and all participants for use of such Disclosed Content pursuant to the CC BY 4.0 Creation Commons license (<nowiki>https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</nowiki>). <p> The T3 Network’s policy is to comply fully and strictly with relevant international, national, and state antitrust laws.”</blockquote>3. Meetings are recorded, recordings are made publicly available.
:2. Ensure you are familiar with the current '''[https://assets.website-files.com/6051f804aa18bf60ca423e09/627adedb4c63cf7810268d12_T3%20Innovation%20Network%20Guidelines%20Updated%20March%202022.pdf T3 Network of Network Guidelines]''', in particular:<blockquote>'''§5.5 Network of Networks Legal and Intellectual Property''' - “In particular, by discussing, distributing, or otherwise disclosing any content, materials, or other information (collectively “Disclosed Content”) through participation with the T3 Network, participants represent and warrant that: (i) they own all rights in and to the Disclosed Content, or, if the Disclosed Content is subject to third-party intellectual property rights, the participant has all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to share the Disclosed Content; (ii) the participant is legally entitled to post the Disclosed Content, and (iii) the Disclosed Content does not violate any law.  <p> To the extent that any Disclosed Content is subject to any form of intellectual property or proprietary rights, by disclosure through participation with the T3 Network, the participant provides a license to the T3 Network and all participants for use of such Disclosed Content pursuant to the CC BY 4.0 Creation Commons license (<nowiki>https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</nowiki>). <p> The T3 Network’s policy is to comply fully and strictly with relevant international, national, and state antitrust laws.”</blockquote>3. Meetings are recorded, recordings are made publicly available.
== March 08 2023 ==
=== Agenda ===
#'''Meeting administration'''  (Steve)
# '''General News / announcements / updates'''
## Network updates (T3, OCN, AOC, C3)
## [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E1wKHmdfZU-ZKcffGL0LQjp9bTBU2gGOXWPPmlJQ57M/edit?usp=sharing DRAFT Framework for Competency Explorer Practices, Policies and Governance] (Jeanne)
#'''DESM Pilot''' (Phil)
##Demo of mappings from the pilot
##Summarize findings of the pilot
##Draft report and Next steps
##DESM Sustainability discussion
== February 08 2023 ==
=== Agenda: ===
# '''Meeting administration'''  (Steve)
# '''General News / announcements / updates'''
## Network updates (T3, OCN, AOC, C3)
## DESM Pilot (Jeanne)
## [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E1wKHmdfZU-ZKcffGL0LQjp9bTBU2gGOXWPPmlJQ57M/edit?usp=sharing DRAFT Framework for Competency Explorer Practices, Policies and Governance] (Jeanne)
#'''Competency Explorer Enhancement Project update'''
## Introduction (Phil)
## Summary (Steve)
## Reactions / Discussion
## Suggestions for next funding round (discussion)
== January 11 2023 ==
=== Agenda: ===
# '''Meeting administration'''  (Steve)
# '''General News / announcements / updates'''
##T3 & OCN
##AOC & C3
##DESM Pilot (Jeanne)
#'''Competency Explorer Enhancement Project update'''
##Introduction (Phil)
##Progress (Joe)
###Use cases R3, R9, R11 completed: Logos displayed, Elastic search match scores displayed, Beneficiary Rights displayed
###Staging server
###Next steps
#'''On boarding new nodes'''
##What documentation would you need?
##Current draft documentation:
###Network architecture and protocols design at https://www.ocf-collab.org but these are somewhat theoretical.
###[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w_0HDNIA9GZq76txOuS8e-OhmKJiHe9Azjuq1BfrxQ0/edit?usp=sharing Draft instructions] in development.
##'''Please look at the draft instructions and comment.'''
#'''Policy and governance for Competency Explorer Nodes'''
##AOC Draft [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J090lXWMkDS-dwa_wa7hwX2AmHMPcoOxSyjCkNKdenA/edit?usp=sharing Framework for Competency Explorer: Practices, Policies and Governance]
##What are the relevant technical requirements regarding, e.g. data?
##What are the technical implications for implementing this?
#'''Next call'''
##should we continue on-boarding instructions discussion on Wed 25 Jan??
##next "general" call Wed 8 Feb.
== December 14 2022 ==
=== Agenda: ===
# '''Meeting administration'''
# '''General News / announcements / updates'''
## T3 & OCN
###Experience You launch  January 25, 2023 at 2 p.m. ET.  "Experience You is a new initiative that will explore how new technologies can convert massive amounts of unstructured data (e.g., transcripts, resumes, and employment history) associated with an individual’s education, employment, and experience into structured, machine actionable data about knowledge, skills, and abilities for self-verification."  [https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcuihrT4vHd3VIMOoNqMoMp7QjrvYpipr Register]
## AOC and C3
###No AOC call on January 04, no C3 call on December 22, due to holidays.
## DESM Pilot
# '''Competency Explorer Enhancement Project update'''
## Introduction (Phil)
### Use case [[OCF Collab Network:OCFCRequiredFeatures#S5. Given a competency description and target frameworks.2C identify and return the closest matching competencies in the target framework.|S5]]: [[OCF Collab Network:OCFCRequiredFeatures#S5. Given a competency description and target frameworks.2C identify and return the closest matching competencies in the target framework.|Given a competency description and target frameworks, identify and return the closest matching competencies in the target framework]].
## Demo (Joe, Alex)
## Reactions, Q&A (Steve)
###Great to hear that the output of DESM is being used in the search.
###Several suggestions for which features to work on next, and for possible new features, including showing similarity between search and result items, de-duplicating results, displaying rights & ownership information.
###Phil to make sure that we keep track on the wiki of which features are being worked on and which are done.
# '''Next call:''' Wed 11 January 2023
=== Recordings ===
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VYVKGsoFOZ3DDNbep01FgAkL121SAyvR/view?usp=share_link Video]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P4fWQMh11yAkf23YLopg-Vz5vWWKNavL/view?usp=share_link Audio]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KNa_i-KYJkgDeV3hZZPKLFGEjTMID9K7/view?usp=share_link Transcript] (Voice to text generated)
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/17T7n29w2U2ju_5pWPILBlaWDVwvqnPLR/view?usp=share_link Chat]
== November 09 2022 ==
=== Agenda: ===
#'''Meeting administration (Steve)'''
#'''General News / announcements / updates'''
##T3N2 & OCN (Phil)
###T3 Winter meeting (virtual) Dec 6, 2022 14:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
###Name change agreed with all parties; pending formal agreement.
##AOC & C3 (Jeanne)
##TAW (Phil)
###Calendar invite, email list & T3 registration
#'''Competency Explorer Extension Project (Joe)'''
##Quick update: initial focus on [[OCF Collab Network:OCFCRequiredFeatures#S5. Given a competency description and target frameworks.2C identify and return the closest matching competencies in the target framework.|feature S5]].
#'''DESM pilot project (Phil)'''
##Progress update
###Five DSOs signed up
###Classes being mapped agreed
####Person, Organization, Competency
###Mapping predicates agreed, see [https://github.com/t3-innovation-network/desm/blob/main/concepts/pilotMappingPredicates.ttl scheme in github]
###Issue logging in github
##Usefulness of output (cont., from last month)
###[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cO4kxr0I6Olro56GIPBF9MG44A2lQ9KVJQhj8oUBTAM/edit?usp=sharing Use Cases] (draft for comment)
==== Recordings ====
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VA9Xulg8-VAm22AeX8-JD1HMEI6epK7G/view?usp=share_link Video]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ilI_Mn5PrPyF06UbR99i_stWe3MDtCow/view?usp=share_link Audio]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gLtnSuzI86xY0QuaJ0b7RcE8tIGcMcLi/view?usp=share_link Transcript]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z5INQbtafoMaVg6HoGbZ7a6wQPaw0Pgw/view?usp=share_link Chat]
== October 12 2022 ==
=== Agenda: ===
#'''Meeting administration (Steve)'''
## T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
## '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lnb5qBzjcMfKkjHKlGWE6nxy4GDdeEUuq1mcP0uQeU/edit?usp=sharing Roster.]'''
# '''General News / announcements / updates.'''
##'''T3 & OCN''' (Phil)
###[https://www.t3networkhub.org/resources/skills-based-hiring-project-report T3 Master Usecases] have been published. Competency data is a key factor in them.
###Charter amendments approved, but we need to do a little more liaison about the name change.
##'''AOC, C3''' (Jeanne)
###[https://wiki.t3networkhub.org/wiki/C3_Webinar_Series C3 webinar planning & schedule]
###[https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvduyqrDMiEtN6kugAWIv7By3eTn7Im-4q C3 webinar registration page]
#'''Competency Explorer Enhancement Project: refresher on architecture. (Phil)'''
##aim: prepare group to oversee project work;
##minimum data needed to fulfill use cases;
##mapping in Competency Explorer.
##[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xZopByQW1JLdsYfBBNGw7Lx5lS8VcC3RjzrSqRZMWJ8/edit?usp=sharing presentation]. (Phil)
#'''DESM Pilot (Phil)'''
##Progress update & Explore parameters for "utility of outcome":
###[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_88MO0QvOuWih0Xs52kFWO_m0sgp1Wj0Ws6LjcCDqBI/edit?usp=sharing presentation] (Phil)
###[https://padlet.com/CredentialEngine/jkh81pr61incwhki padlet activity]. (all)
==== Recordings ====
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/18StggUq4gvLJX5P7IFyazLztyJE5XwYY/view?usp=sharing Video]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gdGiJqrR0p3T4Rda2CqoB8VlTOqPn_04/view?usp=sharing Audio]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/17AFXknWOXKe2gPWnoxTr3pUY-54OVt3E/view?usp=sharing Transcript]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j5mYOLHZ5nHdXGfgGBFhK_XmLXND16xj/view?usp=sharing Chat]
== September 14 2022 ==
=== Agenda: ===
#'''Meeting administration'''
## T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
## '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lnb5qBzjcMfKkjHKlGWE6nxy4GDdeEUuq1mcP0uQeU/edit?usp=sharing Roster.]'''
# '''General News / announcements / updates.'''
###New network hub at https://www.t3networkhub.org. It is simpler and more open that before so that you can see things without having to sign up.
###New charter, new name.
###New charter, new name.
###New project: C3 (Connecting Competency Communities) Webinar Series
#'''Work group charter revision consensus.'''
##We are required to review and make necessary revisions to the TAW Charter annually.
##After discussion in previous meetings changes required include
###Ensuring the will stay current by moving time-limited items like lists of use cases and projects to the wiki.
###Updating factual information such as changes in personnel.
###Updating and refining the aims and objectives.
###Reflecting the (proposed) changes in name for the Network and AOC working group.
###Referencing an updated consensus process proposed for the Network.
###Referencing an explanation of the what we mean by Competency proposed for the Network
##The [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nrtpNX4FgdSXqKZjXg5eMso8McvFQ-XR/edit# proposed revised charter] is now available.
##We invite you to indicate whether you Consent, Stand Aside or Object to the revised charter using the form at [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18wBRZm3qeh3DKU-yrMUF8lc0A9cSS-7CCRWrjNXXhYw/viewform?edit_requested=true https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18wBRZm3qeh3DKU-yrMUF8lc0A9cSS-7CCRWrjNXXhYw/viewform]
##Deadline for responses: Wed 28 September 2022.
#'''Competency Explorer'''
##Project update.
###Project proposal [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xb1571FNg7LqiLn5OSpMku5JBl4B1mL4b1R8n0-KwW8/edit OCFC:PP-002]
###Review of current status.
##Review of current status of Competency Explorer.
###See [[OCF Collab Network:SearchDocs|Competency Explorer page]] on this wiki.
##Discussion for monitoring development / project progress. Aim: to define TAW's role in "oversight of the project" mentioned in charter, and how to facilitate that role.
###what is current status of nodes & explorer?
###what are potential new data sources / nodes?
####AOC to do this?
###what is progress of project against plan?
###what technical issues need addressing?
####Reporting issues with current running version?
####In newly developed functionality
####Onboarding new nodes (see [[OCF Collab Network:SearchDocs#Public Documentation|technical docs]]).
=== Recordings ===
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WpzP-p0oOlDyENLHx1UOwb4PyvnMnDTU/view?usp=sharing Video]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_-vod7EUMCbqpvWJRXOZjrQFmwdYRs1p/view?usp=sharing Audio]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y3P0Xqy-NRYW697lyyQjn0KSp4LA_AAD/view?usp=sharing Transcript]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14hF0I_7g004RXOpWjCMn_GAWqjfeH_XL/view?usp=sharing Chat]

== August 10, 2022 ==
== August 10, 2022 ==

# '''Meeting administration'''
=== Agenda: ===
#'''Meeting administration'''
## T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
## T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
## '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lnb5qBzjcMfKkjHKlGWE6nxy4GDdeEUuq1mcP0uQeU/edit?usp=sharing Roster.]'''
## '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lnb5qBzjcMfKkjHKlGWE6nxy4GDdeEUuq1mcP0uQeU/edit?usp=sharing Roster.]'''
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=== Recordings ===
=== Recordings ===
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OiMHbqxPqHmu7Dp2_oUvV0ezC-aupc2x/view?usp=sharing Video]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mEEi10GEsQvgrnLHIhVtb8v98WgQOs0K/view?usp=sharing Video]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cWVGPR-kj5gkyBmS1mGEOEVuV2_PQscM/view?usp=sharing Audio]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Tonff3lw6tk8bhhXlVJasi3v5zZHScK/view?usp=sharing Audio]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k7qv4YTz2AwCR97j77iE3ptv1hT1T-4U/view?usp=sharing Transcript]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ezb2hnNTBKEEKc-QTrGDD3FrVBpTnLZ_/view?usp=sharing Transcript]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hYFJWLJWfSffZDg-9k2wP4mkAy6nSvOu/view?usp=sharing Chat]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HxJczrEl3y6xhERUJ32SjhNFN8-lJYs2/view?usp=sharing Chat]

== July 27, 2022 ==
== July 27, 2022 ==

Latest revision as of 02:15, 28 March 2023

>> OC Network Home >> TAW >> TAW Meetings

The Open Competencies Network Technical Advisory Workgroup meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 noon ET for regular calls. The same time slot on the fourth Wednesday is reserved for calls related to a specific projects or work items, when needed.

This section of the OCFC TAW Wiki contains meeting agendas, links to materials, and follow up information.

See the TAW Charter.

Standing Items

1. Please mark yourself as present in the Roster. To be eligible to vote a participant must have attended at least two of the last four meetings, not including the current meeting.
2. Ensure you are familiar with the current T3 Network of Network Guidelines, in particular:

§5.5 Network of Networks Legal and Intellectual Property - “In particular, by discussing, distributing, or otherwise disclosing any content, materials, or other information (collectively “Disclosed Content”) through participation with the T3 Network, participants represent and warrant that: (i) they own all rights in and to the Disclosed Content, or, if the Disclosed Content is subject to third-party intellectual property rights, the participant has all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to share the Disclosed Content; (ii) the participant is legally entitled to post the Disclosed Content, and (iii) the Disclosed Content does not violate any law.

To the extent that any Disclosed Content is subject to any form of intellectual property or proprietary rights, by disclosure through participation with the T3 Network, the participant provides a license to the T3 Network and all participants for use of such Disclosed Content pursuant to the CC BY 4.0 Creation Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

The T3 Network’s policy is to comply fully and strictly with relevant international, national, and state antitrust laws.”

3. Meetings are recorded, recordings are made publicly available.

March 08 2023


  1. Meeting administration (Steve)
  2. General News / announcements / updates
    1. Network updates (T3, OCN, AOC, C3)
    2. DRAFT Framework for Competency Explorer Practices, Policies and Governance (Jeanne)
  3. DESM Pilot (Phil)
    1. Demo of mappings from the pilot
    2. Summarize findings of the pilot
    3. Draft report and Next steps
    4. DESM Sustainability discussion

February 08 2023


  1. Meeting administration (Steve)
  2. General News / announcements / updates
    1. Network updates (T3, OCN, AOC, C3)
    2. DESM Pilot (Jeanne)
    3. DRAFT Framework for Competency Explorer Practices, Policies and Governance (Jeanne)
  3. Competency Explorer Enhancement Project update
    1. Introduction (Phil)
    2. Summary (Steve)
    3. Reactions / Discussion
    4. Suggestions for next funding round (discussion)

January 11 2023


  1. Meeting administration (Steve)
  2. General News / announcements / updates
    1. T3 & OCN
    2. AOC & C3
    3. DESM Pilot (Jeanne)
  3. Competency Explorer Enhancement Project update
    1. Introduction (Phil)
    2. Progress (Joe)
      1. Use cases R3, R9, R11 completed: Logos displayed, Elastic search match scores displayed, Beneficiary Rights displayed
      2. Staging server
      3. Next steps
  4. On boarding new nodes
    1. What documentation would you need?
    2. Current draft documentation:
      1. Network architecture and protocols design at https://www.ocf-collab.org but these are somewhat theoretical.
      2. Draft instructions in development.
    3. Please look at the draft instructions and comment.
  5. Policy and governance for Competency Explorer Nodes
    1. AOC Draft Framework for Competency Explorer: Practices, Policies and Governance
    2. What are the relevant technical requirements regarding, e.g. data?
    3. What are the technical implications for implementing this?
  6. Next call
    1. should we continue on-boarding instructions discussion on Wed 25 Jan??
    2. next "general" call Wed 8 Feb.

December 14 2022


  1. Meeting administration
  2. General News / announcements / updates
    1. T3 & OCN
      1. Experience You launch January 25, 2023 at 2 p.m. ET. "Experience You is a new initiative that will explore how new technologies can convert massive amounts of unstructured data (e.g., transcripts, resumes, and employment history) associated with an individual’s education, employment, and experience into structured, machine actionable data about knowledge, skills, and abilities for self-verification." Register
    2. AOC and C3
      1. No AOC call on January 04, no C3 call on December 22, due to holidays.
    3. DESM Pilot
  3. Competency Explorer Enhancement Project update
    1. Introduction (Phil)
      1. Use case S5: Given a competency description and target frameworks, identify and return the closest matching competencies in the target framework.
    2. Demo (Joe, Alex)
    3. Reactions, Q&A (Steve)
      1. Great to hear that the output of DESM is being used in the search.
      2. Several suggestions for which features to work on next, and for possible new features, including showing similarity between search and result items, de-duplicating results, displaying rights & ownership information.
      3. Phil to make sure that we keep track on the wiki of which features are being worked on and which are done.
  4. Next call: Wed 11 January 2023


November 09 2022


  1. Meeting administration (Steve)
  2. General News / announcements / updates
    1. T3N2 & OCN (Phil)
      1. T3 Winter meeting (virtual) Dec 6, 2022 14:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
      2. Name change agreed with all parties; pending formal agreement.
    2. AOC & C3 (Jeanne)
    3. TAW (Phil)
      1. Calendar invite, email list & T3 registration
  3. Competency Explorer Extension Project (Joe)
    1. Quick update: initial focus on feature S5.
  4. DESM pilot project (Phil)
    1. Progress update
      1. Five DSOs signed up
      2. Classes being mapped agreed
        1. Person, Organization, Competency
      3. Mapping predicates agreed, see scheme in github
      4. Issue logging in github
        1. https://github.com/t3-innovation-network/desm/issues
    2. Usefulness of output (cont., from last month)
      1. Use Cases (draft for comment)


October 12 2022


  1. Meeting administration (Steve)
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Roster.
  2. General News / announcements / updates.
    1. T3 & OCN (Phil)
      1. T3 Master Usecases have been published. Competency data is a key factor in them.
      2. Charter amendments approved, but we need to do a little more liaison about the name change.
    2. AOC, C3 (Jeanne)
      1. C3 webinar planning & schedule
      2. C3 webinar registration page
  3. Competency Explorer Enhancement Project: refresher on architecture. (Phil)
    1. aim: prepare group to oversee project work;
    2. minimum data needed to fulfill use cases;
    3. mapping in Competency Explorer.
    4. presentation. (Phil)
  4. DESM Pilot (Phil)
    1. Progress update & Explore parameters for "utility of outcome":
      1. presentation (Phil)
      2. padlet activity. (all)


September 14 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Roster.
  2. General News / announcements / updates.
    1. T3
      1. New network hub at https://www.t3networkhub.org. It is simpler and more open that before so that you can see things without having to sign up.
    2. OCN
      1. New charter, new name.
    3. AOC
      1. New charter, new name.
      2. New project: C3 (Connecting Competency Communities) Webinar Series
  3. Work group charter revision consensus.
    1. We are required to review and make necessary revisions to the TAW Charter annually.
    2. After discussion in previous meetings changes required include
      1. Ensuring the will stay current by moving time-limited items like lists of use cases and projects to the wiki.
      2. Updating factual information such as changes in personnel.
      3. Updating and refining the aims and objectives.
      4. Reflecting the (proposed) changes in name for the Network and AOC working group.
      5. Referencing an updated consensus process proposed for the Network.
      6. Referencing an explanation of the what we mean by Competency proposed for the Network
    3. The proposed revised charter is now available.
    4. We invite you to indicate whether you Consent, Stand Aside or Object to the revised charter using the form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18wBRZm3qeh3DKU-yrMUF8lc0A9cSS-7CCRWrjNXXhYw/viewform
    5. Deadline for responses: Wed 28 September 2022.
  4. Competency Explorer
    1. Project update.
      1. Project proposal OCFC:PP-002
      2. Review of current status.
    2. Review of current status of Competency Explorer.
      1. See Competency Explorer page on this wiki.
    3. Discussion for monitoring development / project progress. Aim: to define TAW's role in "oversight of the project" mentioned in charter, and how to facilitate that role.
      1. what is current status of nodes & explorer?
      2. what are potential new data sources / nodes?
        1. AOC to do this?
      3. what is progress of project against plan?
      4. what technical issues need addressing?
        1. Reporting issues with current running version?
        2. In newly developed functionality
        3. Onboarding new nodes (see technical docs).


August 10, 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Roster.
  2. General News / announcements.
    1. T3 has a new network hub at https://www.t3networkhub.org. It is simpler and more open that before so that you can see things without having to sign up.
  3. Project plan vote.
    1. Vote is in progress, vote at https://forms.gle/2vKcHnsGASVNp31c9, vote ends August 12 2022.
    2. Voting is based on
      1. the use case analysis on the wiki
      2. the list of features on the wiki
      3. the project proposal document
    3. Key points:
      1. The project proposal has two deliverables
        1. Ensure that a demonstrator instance of the OCFC Competency Explorer is maintained for the duration of the project.
        2. The incremental evaluation and development (if possible) of enhanced capabilities for competency search and retrieval.
      2. The deliverables will be technology demonstrators, not polished production-level user experiences.
      3. The process is modeled on Feature Driven Development, an agile methodology suitable for such explorative projects.
      4. The feature list is a "wish list" of new capabilities, not all will be implemented. Some will not be feasible given the distributed and heterogeneous nature of the data, level of funding, and various organizations involved. The project will implement some features and identify why others cannot be implemented.
      5. Some important Assumptions and Risks are detailed at the end of the project proposal.
  4. TAW Workgroup Charter
    1. Copy of current charter for comments.
    2. Clean copy of latest draft with revisions addressing comments.
      1. Aim to work through this in the call and resolve comments
      2. Aim to vote on this ASAP.
  5. Call schedule
    1. TAW Calls will continue on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of the month.
    2. No call August 24 2022 due to absence of Chair and Facilitator.
    3. Next call Sept 14, 2022  @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK
    4. Also note: OCFC Network call planned for August 31.


July 27, 2022

  1. Meeting administration
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Roster.
  2. Quick Updates
    1. OCFC Search Service is now Competency Explorer.
    2. T3 Innovation Network Mid-Year Meeting.
      1. Thursday, 4 August 2022, 09:00 - 16:00 (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, located at 1300 I (Eye) St NW, Washington, DC 20005.
      2. Registration Open at https://events.uschamberfoundation.org/MidYearMeeting2022
      3. Virtual attendance may be available
    3. TAW Workgroup Charter
      1. Copy of current charter for comments.
      2. Clean copy of latest draft with revisions addressing comments.
  3. New project to add features / capabilities for the Competency Explorer
    1. Full draft of project plan OCFC: PP-002 Availability and Enhancement of OCFC Competency Explorer
    2. Associated use case OCFC:UC-004 Enhanced Capabilities for Competency Search and Retrieval
    3. Key points:
      1. The use case document defers to the Analysis of Uses Cases from RWSC and the analysis of Required Features on the wiki
      2. The project proposal has two deliverables
        1. Ensure that a demonstrator instance of the OCFC Competency Explorer is maintained for the duration of the project.
        2. The incremental evaluation and development (if possible) of enhanced capabilities for competency search and retrieval.
      3. The deliverables will be technology demonstrators, not polished production-level user experiences.
      4. The process is modelled on Feature Driven Development, an agile methodology suitable for such explorative projects.
      5. The feature list is a "wish list" of new capabilities, not all will be implemented. Some will not be feasible given the distributed and heterogeneous nature of the data, level of funding, and various organizations involved. The project will implement some features and identify why others cannot be implemented.
      6. Take note of the Assumptions and Risks section.
  4. Call schedule
    1. TAW Calls will continue on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of the month.
    2. New time: 1 hour earlier, which is more convenient for more time zones.
    3. Next calls:
    4. August 10, 2022  @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK


July 13, 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Roster.
  2. News
    1. Renaming: OCFC Search Service will become: Competency Explorer.
    2. T3 Innovation Network Mid-Year Meeting.
      1. Thursday, 4 August 2022, 09:00 - 16:00 (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, located at 1300 I (Eye) St NW, Washington, DC 20005.
      2. Registration Open at https://events.uschamberfoundation.org/MidYearMeeting2022
  3. TAW Charter
    1. Copy for review and comment Please read and comment.
  4. New project to add features / capabilities for the Competency Explorer
    1. Analysis of Uses Cases from RWSC is complete, and has yielded
      1. Requirements for the search service to fulfill an identified role in meeting the use case
      2. Assumptions regarding data and other systems need to be available.
      3. Many of the requirements are shared across several use cases.
    2. OCFC Required Features page collates these required features / capabilities, and groups them thematically. For each requirement it lists
      1. the uses cases that require that feature / capability;
      2. the role Competency Explorer plays in meeting that use case
      3. the assumptions made in order for it to play that role..
    3. The next step is to collate these new required features / capabilities into a project proposal.
  5. Call schedule
    1. TAW Calls will continue on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of the month.
    2. New time: 1 hour earlier, which is more convenient for more time zones.
    3. Next calls:
      1. July 27, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK
      2. August 10, 2022  @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK


June 22, 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
  2. Use case analysis.
    1. Continue to build out use case requirements via the TAW Use Case wiki..


June 8, 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. Roster, T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Other standing items (note that the T3 Guidelines have been revised).
  2. Charter revision
    1. We need to update our charter.
  3. Use case analysis.
    1. Aim is to analyze enough of the remaining use cases in this call and the next analysis call (two weeks time) so that we can scope and draft a proposal for a funded project in our next scheduled monthly call.
    2. Continue to build out use case requirements via the TAW Use Case wiki.
  4. Upcoming calls:
    1. June 22, TAW Requirement Call.   10 am, PT / 11 am, MT / 12 pm CT / 1 pm, ET / 5 pm, UTC
    2. July 14, next Scheduled Monthly Call moved to Thursday at same time. (Will update calendar invite soon.)


May 25, 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
  2. Use case analysis.
    1. Continue to build out use case requirements via the TAW Use Case wiki.
    2. Discussed use cases 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15.


May 11, 2022


  1. Meeting administration
    1. Roster, T3 Guidelines and IP, recording (see above Standing Items).
    2. Use of the wiki for meetings.
  2. Current focus of the work group: Analysis of requirements and technical use cases in order to produce a project plan to enhance the OCFC Search Service.
    1. See example of previous project use case, DESM Configuration Dashboard
    2. We hope that the use cases and analysis on the wiki will suffice for this project.
    3. Project will likely include undertaking to pilot a public instance of the Search Service and to enhance its capabilities in order to meet the needs identified by the RWSC.
  3. Use case analysis.
    1. Continue to build out use case requirements via the TAW Use Case wiki.
    2. Discussed use case 5 and 6 in this meeting (with reference to case 2).
  4. Upcoming calls:
    1. May 25, TAW Requirement Call. Will be rescheduled to start one hour earlier, i.e. at 12 noon ET.
    2. June 8, Scheduled monthly call.


Communications and Follow Up:

April 27, 2022

This meeting was to build out use case requirements via the TAW Use Case wiki

  • Video (to be added)
  • Audio (to be added)
  • Chat (to be added)

April 13, 2022

February 2, 2022

January 12, 2022

December 8, 2021

November 10, 2021

October 27, 2021

October 13, 2021

September 29, 2021