OCF Collab Network: RWSC

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Advancing Open Competencies (AOC)

The Advancing Open Competencies (AOC) Workgroup is a chartered, standing Workgroup open to T3 Innovation Network members interested in open competencies.  Input ranges from broad advocacy to use cases and requirements for how people and organizations benefit from openly licensed competency and skill data.  This standing Workgroup is chartered to:

  1. make advocacy recommendations and craft information and resources to advance open skills and competencies to diverse audiences;
  2. use outreach programs to build connections with the broader competency and skills ecosystem;
  3. contribute use cases that scale competency and skill data;
  4. review the status of the Competency Explorer and the Data Ecosystem Schema Mapper (DESM) tool, and
  5. define requirements for refining and scaling the Competency Explorer.

The AOC Workgroup may define task-dependent Project Plans as needed  to accomplish specific goals.

Workgroup Chair

Naomi Boyer, PhD, Executive Director, Digital Transformation, Education Design Lab
Naomi Boyer
Naomi identifies product solutions that support the successful deployment and scaling of the Lab’s 21st Century Skills Badges and related assets by facilitating the dialogue between the Lab, educational institutions, industry, and product vendors. She utilizes her technology background, higher education administration experience, and community engagement techniques to design solutions that work within the blossoming digital credential ecosystem. Naomi has national experience on the creation and implementation of competency-based education initiatives and worked locally to develop a collaborative, cross-institutional micro-credentialing system to address the industry expressed need for employability skills.
nboyer@eddesignlab.org, @NaomiBoyer on Twitter, LinkedIn

Workgroup Resources

RWSC is a chartered workgroup that has been focused on competency search use cases and scoping of AI use cases supporting scaling of competency data.

Meeting Schedule

Master Calendar

The RWSC will meet the1st and 3rd  Wednesday of each month. Occasional, temporary adjustments may be made. Below is the calendar for 2nd half of 2022.

  • July 20, 2022  @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK (Invite sent 7.11.22)
  • August 3, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK (Invite sent 7.11.22)
  • August 17, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK (Invite sent 7.11.22)
  • September 7, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK  (Invite sent 7.11.22)
  • September 21, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK (Invite sent 7.11.22)
  • October 5, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK
  • October 19, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 5 pm UK
  • November 2, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  4 pm UTC / 4 pm UK
  • November 16, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11am CT / 12 pm, ET /  5 pm UTC / 5 pm UK
  • December 7, 2022 @ 9 am, PT / 10 am, MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm, ET /  5 pm UTC / 5 pm UK

Standing Items

1. Please mark yourself as present in the Roster. To be eligible to vote a participant must have attended at least two of the last four meetings, not including the current meeting.
2. Ensure you are familiar with the current T3 Network of Network Guidelines, in particular:

§5.5 Network of Networks Legal and Intellectual Property - “In particular, by discussing, distributing, or otherwise disclosing any content, materials, or other information (collectively “Disclosed Content”) through participation with the T3 Network, participants represent and warrant that: (i) they own all rights in and to the Disclosed Content, or, if the Disclosed Content is subject to third-party intellectual property rights, the participant has all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to share the Disclosed Content; (ii) the participant is legally entitled to post the Disclosed Content, and (iii) the Disclosed Content does not violate any law. To the extent that any Disclosed Content is subject to any form of intellectual property or proprietary rights, by disclosure through participation with the T3 Network, the participant provides a license to the T3 Network and all participants for use of such Disclosed Content pursuant to the CC BY 4.0 Creation Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The T3 Network’s policy is to comply fully and strictly with relevant international, national, and state antitrust laws.”

3. Meetings are recorded, recordings are made publicly available.

August 17, 2022

Topics and Meeting Resources

The July 20, 2022 RWSC discussed the following topics. The meeting video and audio recordings are saved in the 08-17-2022 RWSC Google Drive Folder. Meeting follow up is posted to the OCFC RWSC Google Group.

  1. Complete the Standing Items
    • Mark yourself as "present" on the Roster
    • Review required reading from T3 Guidelines Section 5.5 (above).
  2. Update on T3 Activities
  3. OCFC Network
  4. Update on TAW Activities
    • The Competency Explorer Project Plan is moving forward. The TAW deadline for voting on the Competency Explorer Project Proposal concluded on Friday, August 12, 2022.
    • Voting was based on: (1) the Use Case Analysis on the wiki, (2) the List of Features on the wiki, and (3) the Project Proposal document.
      • The Project Proposal has two deliverables (1) Ensure that a demonstrator instance of the OCFC Competency Explorer is maintained for the duration of the project. (2) The incremental evaluation and development (if possible) of enhanced capabilities for competency search and retrieval.
        • The deliverables will be technology demonstrators, not polished production-level user experiences.
        • The process is modeled on Feature Driven Development, an agile methodology suitable for such explorative projects.
        • The feature list is a "wish list" of new capabilities, not all will be implemented. Some will not be feasible given the distributed and heterogeneous nature of the data, level of funding, and various organizations involved. The project will implement some features and identify why others cannot be implemented.
        • Some important Assumptions and Risks are detailed at the end of the project proposal. Next Steps: Provide overview to (1) T3 Steering Committee this week, and (2) Chamber contracts with Learning Tapestry to build off their prior work and begin work on the deliverables.
  5. RWSC Charter: Proposed Charter Updates
    • A clean draft of the RWSC Charter that uses comments and suggestions from RWSC members, is ready for review.
      • Review the clean AOC Workgroup Charter and see the original RWSC Charter with feedback.
      • Renames the RWSC to Advancing Open Competencies (AOC) Workgroup
      • Some of the goals are to consolidate details that were in the original version to ensure it has longevity and have achievable objectives that are measurable.
        • Details of programs and projects can be documented separately using T3 Project Plan templates, on the T3 OCFC Network Wiki, and via the T3 Hub.
      • Next steps: (1) review during today's meeting and make any agreed upon changes, and (2) provide to Workgroup members and provide two weeks to complete the AOC Workgroup Charter Online Consensus Form.
  6. New Workgroup Program
    • Webinar series, C3 "Connecting Competency Communities
      • Eric Shepherd, President, Foundation for Talent Transformation is heading up the ideation process and setup and is seeking input and speaker ideas.
      • Interesting topics and speakers that engage audience
      • Expanding network of advocates for open competencies
      • Growing participation  with Competency Explorer and DESM
      • Facilitating dialogue and encouraging connections
      • Using the existing dates/times set on OCFC Network Calendar for this workgroup's 3rd Wednesday of each month meeting.
        • 1 hour, 2 speakers, time for dialogue
        • Planning to begin September 21, 2022

Next Steps

  1. Review the Draft clean AOC Workgroup Charter, provide any comments and complete the AOC Workgroup Charter Online Consensus Form by August 31, 2022.

July 20, 2022

Topics and Meeting Resources

The July 20, 2022 RWSC discussed the following topics. The meeting chat, video and audio recordings are saved in the 07-20-2022 RWSC Google Drive Folder. Meeting follow up is posted to the OCFC RWSC Google Group.

  1. Complete the Standing Items
    • Mark yourself as "present" on the Roster
    • Review required reading from T3 Guidelines Section 5.5 (above).
  2. Apologies for absence: Jeanne and Naomi are busy elsewhere.
  3. Meet Taylor Hanson, Executive Director, Policy & Programs, US Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
    1. Taylor recently joined the Chamber and will be working with all of us on T3 Innovation Network.
  4. RWSC Calendar
    • The RWSC calendar is updated to continue meeting the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month and the time has been moved to start one hour earlier to support more people joining meetings across international time zones.
    • Meeting invites were sent through September 21, 2022, and invite for the remainder of the year will be sent soon.
    • See the above Meeting Schedule section
  5. Competency Explorer
    • Competency Explorer was selected as the name for the search service. Going forward any materials or references will use Competency Explorer.
  6. T3 Innovation Network Mid-Year Meeting.
    • Thursday, 4 August 2022, 09:00 - 16:00 (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, located at 1300 I (Eye) St NW, Washington, DC 20005.
    • Registration Open for the in-person event and reception https://events.uschamberfoundation.org/MidYearMeeting2022
    • Naomi is representing OCFC Network at the event and participating with an afternoon panel.
    • Online participation will also be available. US Chamber of Commerce will email a separate invitation for online participation soon.
  7. Update on TAW Activities
    • Analysis of Uses Cases from RWSC is complete.
    • (New) OCFC Required Features page collates these required features / capabilities, and groups them thematically.
    • The next step is to collate these new required features / capabilities into a funded T3 Project Proposal.
    • The Project Proposal as well as the above requirements documentation will used to develop the scope of work for a contract with the developer.
  8. Update RWSC Charter

Next Steps

  1. Finalize RWSC Charter
  2. Identify and begin next set of activities.

July 11, 2022 RWSC Request for Input and Updates

RWSC Google Group Email

The following message was posted to the RWSC Google Group to email to all members

Dear RWSC members,

Please provide your suggestions and comments for the RWSC Charter - Please provide suggestions and comments directly in the document by Friday, Jul 22, 2022.  The sections highlighted in yellow are open to revision. Copy of Approved RWSC Charter for Review and Updates May 2022.

The RWSC calendar is updated to continue meeting the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month and the time has been moved to start one hour earlier to support more people joining meetings across international time zones. CALENDAR: MAR 2022-DEC 2023.  

Thank you to all who participated with the survey to name the competency search service.  The top three search names were: Competency Explorer, Open Competency Explorer (OCE) tied for 1st place, and Competency Discovery Platform (CDP) in 3rd place. Competency Explorer was selected based on the likelihood that not all competencies will be open and having a two word name keeps it simple and not an acronym.  The TAW has completed the search service use case review and will use Competency Explorer as the name with the project plan to begin development.  

Thanks so much!  Jeanne Kitchens, OCFC RWSC Facilitator

June 1, 2022

Topics and Meeting Resources

The June 1, 2022 RWSC discussed the following topics. The meeting chat, video and audio recordings are saved in the 06-02-2022 RWSC Google Drive Folder. Meeting follow up is posted to the OCFC RWSC Google Group.

  1. Complete the Standing Items
    • Mark yourself as "present" on the Roster
    • Review required reading from T3 Guidelines Section 5.5 (above).
  2. Update on TAW use case review for OCFC Search Requirements:
    • Continued to build out use case requirements via the TAW Use Case wiki.
    • Discussed use cases 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15.
  3. Update on Data Ecosystem Schema Mapper Tool
    • Development work is underway for the current phase of work.
    • Pilot plan is under development to begin in August with multiple data standards organizations.
  4. Update on AI use cases for scaling competency data:
  5. Update on OCFC search service naming survey
    • Provided the survey to the OCFC Network during the May 18, 2022 meeting.
    • 15 responses received so far.
    • Google Sheet with total points and percentage of points - Top 4 names are shown in the Top Four Search Service Names chart below.
      • Totals points are based on adding up the the total points for each name. E.g., if
    • Two additional search names were submitted: (1) Credential and Skill Meta-Registry, (2) Open Skill and Competency Search Service
    • One comment was received: Mainly I don't like ones that would use an acronym that is already being used, or ones that are long/hard to remember. That's why I like GETSC, it sounds like what it is.
  6. Review and update OCFC RWSC Charter:
Top 4 Search Service Names
Search Name Total Points Percentage of Total
Competency Explorer 50 6.0 %
Open Competency Explorer (OCE) 49 5.9 %
Skill and Competency Discovery Platform (SCDP) 49 5.9 %
Competency Discovery Platform (CDP) 47 5.7 %

Next Steps

The meeting chat, video and audio recordings are saved in the 06-02-2022 RWSC Google Drive Folder. Meeting follow up is posted to the OCFC RWSC Google Group and Google Group Email t3-ocfc-rwsc@credentialengine.org.

Please participate with the following three items:

  1. Review, add suggestions and comments to the RWSC Charter
    • See item 6 above in the June 1 topics for more information on sections to focus on.
    • Think about and provide suggestions for how a speaker series or other forms of advocacy could align to advancing open, human and machine readable competency data via any of these options: (this) Google Group, via the Charter (linked above), or email Naomi [[1]] and Jeanne [[2]].
  2. Set meeting frequency, day of week, and time of day - Complete the RWSC meeting time options survey with some options that will make the meetings earlier in the day to bring in more international time zones. See the current OCFC Calendar. Please respond no later than end of next week so we can get the meeting schedule on calendars.
  3. Complete the new search name survey narrowed down to the top four name suggestions (seen in the chart above).

May 4, 2022

This meeting provided an update on the TAW process using RWSC developed use cases for the OCFC search, provided a survey to get feedback on naming the OCFC search, and featured a presentation by Eduworks on SkillSync AI services. The presentation provided additional context for the RWSC discussion about supporting AI use cases for scaling competency data.

Additional Materials:

April 20, 2022

This meeting focused on scoping AI use cases for scaling competency data.

March 23, 2022

March 9, 2022

February 23, 2022

February 9, 2022

January 19, 2022

December 15, 2021

December 1, 2021

November 17, 2021

November 3, 2021

October 20, 2021

October 6, 2021

September 22, 2021