OCF Collab Network:ocfcReq

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All of the work of this network must be rooted in Use Cases that advance the objectives of one or more well-define Project Plans in service of the missions of the Network and the T3N2.

OCFC:UC-001: End User Access to Competency Frameworks Across the OCFC Network Nodes

OCFC:UC-001 Guided the 2020 Prototype work
Project Description:
Persons can access a specific network node (Node A) and discover, retrieve, view, and, if permitted, download a framework hosted on any network node and view that framework through the lens of the registered competency framework metamodel used by Node A; all actions constrained by the trust node member’s policies.

OCFC:UC-002: Trustful Sharing of Competency Frameworks Using the OCFC Search Service

OCFC:UC-002 Guided the 2020 Prototype work
Project Description:
Trust node members are able to provide to their users access to otherwise unknown skills and competency frameworks that are hosted in member node repositories throughout the trust network in a manner that respects the integrity, well being, and social and economic value of trust node members’ repositories of competency frameworks through effective policies governing access and use that define permissions, prohibitions, duties, accountability and consequences for misuse in network transactions on trust node member competency frameworks.

OCFC:UC-003: DESM Tool Configuration Dashboard

Project Description:
At the beginning of the crosswalking project, an administrator must configure an instance of the DESM tool by providing descriptions of the participating DSOs and the agents for each DSO that will be managing the DSO team and crosswalking properties. In addition, DSO schema and scheme files need to be uploaded in the tool and proper association among them recorded. This use case describes the functionality and administrative process of creating a configuration profile.
Related Workplan: OCFC:WP-001
Approved and Funded: Consensus Decision: OCFC:CD-001