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All of the work of this network must be rooted in Use Cases that advance the objectives of one or more well-define Project Plans in service of the missions of the Network and the T3N2.

OCFC:PP-001 (Draft) DESM Configuration Dashboard Project Plan

Project Demographic Information

Project Description
This project plan (hereafter, Plan) defines work to be done in implementing a configuration dashboard for the Data Ecosystem Mapper (DESM) tool (hereafter, “Tool”) to facilitate the setup of the by schema mapping leads. A narrative document including wireframes for configuring the Tool for a particular mapping project (hereafter, “Project”) was developed as part of the work of OCF Collab Phase 2 in 2020 and is available here.
The Tool has been designed and implemented for configuration to support 1-to-n Projects. Each Project in an instance of the Tool can be configured with different:
  1. organizations and their associate mapping personnel involved in the Project;
  2. set of mapping predicates defining the types of relationships that can be used in the Project’s mappings;
  3. set of abstract classes defining the entity type or types being mapped in the Project;
  4. schema files to be mapped for each organization involved in the Project mappings; and
  5. prescribed concept schemes (enumerations) used as values for properties in the schemas mapped in the Project.
Configuration Profile Model
Requirement Details:
  1. The DESM tool should be configurable to handle one or more in-progress Schema Mapping Profiles.
  2. Support through a dashboard an administrator in creating new Schema Mapping Profile for an instance of the tool by providing for each Profile a basic description:
    1. Name of the Profile;
    2. Description of the Profile;
    3. Date of creation/modification;
    4. Administrative agent contact information (name, role, email, phone, github handle).
  3. Provide for Ingesting (via upload or URI) SKOS files defining a Schema Mapping Profile:
    1. An existing SKOS Abstract Class file;
    2. An existing SKOS Mapping Predicate file.
  4. Add descriptions of the standards organizations (SDOs) and associated their schema file(s):
    1. SDO name;
    2. Administrative agent and mapper agents (name, role, email, phone, github handle);
    3. Identify each SDO’s schema files to be uploaded for the Schema Mapping Profile and the Abstract Class(es) to which the files are associated:
      1. Provide the official file names (e.g., “CoreMain_v1.19.0.xsd) that will be uploaded;
      2. Identify version if available;
      3. If available online, provide the URL to download each schema file to the DESM tool; and
      4. Identify by URI the Abstract Class(es) to which each file will be associated.
      5. Support uploading of these schema files:
        1. Here at the beginning through the Dashboard; and
        2. During the mapping process to handle the files of a new SDO joining the mapping.
  5. Provide for administrative updating/editing after mapping processes have begun including the addition of a new SDO and its associated schema files;
    1. Note: Once mapping has begun, no changes can be made to the Mapping Predicate(s) file.
  6. Provide for export of the configuration file in JSON-LD.
  7. Provide for import of a JSON-LD configuration file to configure an instance of the DESM;
  8. Provide for the import of a previously exported JSON-LD mapping that aligns with the JSON-LD configuration file as described in task 2-DESM.
Use Case(s)
DESM:UC-001 DESM Tool Configuration Dashboard
Network Associations
This work described in this Project is under the auspices of the OCFC Technical Infrastructure Workgroup.
Project Lead(s)
Phil Barker, CETIS, LLC
Name(s) of Submitter(s)
Jeanne Kitchens, Credential Engine (jkitchens@credentialengine.org)
Stuart Sutton, Independent Consultant (stuartasutton@gmail.com)
Date of Submission

Project Deliverables

  1. An administrative dashboard for configuring the mapping tool to use different Mapping Profiles.
  2. Import support for existing DESM machine-encoded mapping files for: (a) addition of new specifications to that existing mapping; and (b) making necessary edits and updates to that existing mapping.

Timeline and Key Milestones

Project Start Date:
Project End Date:


Designated Categories (DC): (1) Personnel/Consultants, (2) Materials/Supplies, (3) Data/Tools Costs, (4) Pilots/Subgrants, (5) Other Costs (e.g. communications, evaluations)
Task No. Description Amount
1 Wireframes (Completed in 2020)
2 Initial architectural changes (satisfies req 2.2)
3 Dashboard access point for predicates sets (satisfies req 3)
4 Dashboard access point for predicates (satisfies req 3)
5 Dashboard access point for domain sets (satisfies req. 2.1)
6 Dashboard access point for domains (satisfies req 2.1)
7 SKOS File ingest for predicates (satisfies req 1)
8 SKOS File ingest for domains (satisfies req 1)
9 Configure DSO’s associated with the mapping profile
10 Prepare schema files for each DSO associated with the mapping profile
11 Create a Mapping Profile (satisfies req 2, 3,& 8)
12 Configure a Mapping Profile (satisfies req 2 & 6)
13 Export the configuration of the mapping profile as a JSON-LD file.
14 Import a configuration file for a new mapping profile as a JSON-LD file.
15 AbstractClassSet entity as container for a set of mappings (GitHub Issue #51)
16 Regular user to select 2 specifications from the ones uploaded by the administrator in a configuration profile and begin to map with it.
17 Import a previously exported mapping profile part1 - Create specifications with terms and properties (satisfies 1.7)
18 Import a previously exported mapping profile part1 - Create alignments (satisfies 1.7)
19 Project Management
20 Project Oversight
TOTAL 564 Hours $85,340

Funding Sources

Beyond the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, no other potential funders for this work have been identified.

Reviewed By

Project Plan Number: DESM:PP-001
Network Facilitator(s): Jeanne Kitchens & Stuart Sutton, 2021-XX-XX
T3 Network Advisory Board: [names and date]
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: ]name and date]