OCN: Technical Advisory Workgroup
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The Technical Advisory Workgroup (TAW) is a standing Workgroup of the Open Competency Network (OCN). Working in collaboration with the Advancing Open Competencies (AOC) workgroup, the TAW oversees technical development, maintenance and enhancement of the technical tools and services initiated by the OCN. See the TAW Charter for more information.
The Chair of the TAW and the assigned Network Facilitators work with the AOC and the T3N2 membership as a whole to continuously canvas for both evolving Competency needs and potential enhancements for technical tools and services such as the Competency Explorer and the Data Ecosystem Schema Mapper (DESM) tool.
The Workgroup will define task-dependent Project Plans from time-to-time to accomplish specific Use Cases and TAW goals.
Workgroup Chair

- Most recently Steve worked with SBCTC, located in Olympia, Washington, the Washington State agency that coordinates and directs the Washington state system of 34 public community and technical colleges. He was responsible for digital badging initiatives and tracking relevant educational technology integration and data standards associated with OpenBadges, Comprehensive Learner Record, CASE, and accessibility.
- Steve has been an active participant over the past few years with workgroups and advisory groups on OpenBadges, Comprehensive Learner Record and CASE through IMS Global (now 1EdTech). He has been working with the North Dakota Digital Wallet project to demonstrate badge pathways through Concentric Sky’s Badgr platform using digital badges linked to competencies and skills in the IMS CASE OpenSalt network and Credential Engine. He is also a participant in the Open Skills Network and several workgroups associated with the T3 Innovation Network. He holds undergraduate and masters degrees in computer science from the University of Colorado in Boulder. He holds a Ph.D in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Educational Technologies. He has been a faculty member, software developer, and director of elearning. He has been involved in analysis, implementation, and support of multiple technologies at universities and community colleges in several states.
TAW Meetings
The TAW meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 noon ET for regular calls. The same time slot on the fourth Wednesday is reserved for calls related to a specific projects or work items, when needed.
The TAW Meetings page lists all agenda, notes and resources referenced during calls.
Projects and Tool Workspaces
Project Plans
- OCFC:PP-001: Develop DESM Project Configuration Dashboard (Draft)
- OCFC:PP-002: Availability and Enhancement of OCFC Competency Explorer