OCF Collab Network:rwscUCdev

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>> OCFCollab Home >> RWSC | TAW >> Use Cases in Development

RWSC Use Cases in Development

Currently, the RWSC has 37 use cases in the process of development. It is anticipated that the use case being created by RWSC will be wrapped up at its February 9, 2022 meeting and sent on to the TAW for potential implementation. Here is a link to the 37 use cases.

Not all of the 37 use cases directly affect the OCFC search service. Approximately 12 use cases do directly address the OCFC search service.

  1. Use cases directly impacting the OCFC search service will be set out in OCFC:UC-004 and OCFC:UC-005;
  2. Use cases on Competencies and Competency Frameworks that do not directly impact the OCFC search service in OCFC:UC-006 through OCFC:UC-nnn

OCFC:UC-004: Enhancing the OCFC Search Service Via Additional Data Points

Project Description (In Progress):
Enhance the search service and indexing to include data points for searching and filtering not included in the prototype indexing including associated occupation(s), license, publisher, learning opportunities, and the source registry.

OCFC:UC-005: Search Return of Skills and Competencies in Addition to Frameworks

Project Description (In Progress):
The current prototype OCFC registry search service currently returns a listing of the names of all competency frameworks in the network that satisfy the query. The user then selects a framework he or she wishes to explore further. In this use case the user asks instead that the service return the actual skills and competencies that satisfy the query while parenthetically including the name and URI of the competency frameworks in which they were found.